Spider-man: Homecoming

Oh wow.

Well, this one ticked all the boxes and then some. This is the best one from the Marvel Studios so far. It isn’t so much a question of what they did right: more like how did they manage to get everything so right. The script was tight, light and laden with with comedy, awkwardness and surprisingly sad moments which captured perfectly the best and worst parts about growing up. And that’s what this movie was about: growing up, standing tall and taking responsibility for your own screw-ups.

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Film review – Captain America: Civil War


I’m gonna hate myself for it, but I have to make a direct film comparison here. Captain America: Civil War had everything that Dawn of Justice lacked: heart, humour and humanity. Without the raw, destructive power of someone like Superman or Wonder Woman, and with Hulk missing in action, Civil War had to rely on brilliantly choreographed (and often brutal) action sequences to keep the audience engaged through the whole two-and-a-half hours. On its own that wouldn’t have been enough, but woven through the mass destruction of property and a fairly impressive body count, we had a story of friendship, guilt, sacrifice and betrayal.


The stoic relationship between the Captain and the Winter Soldier; the confusion of emotion suffered by the Vision; the erosion of friendship and trust between the Captain and Tony Stark; Stark’s loss of faith in himself: it was all surprisingly deep stuff that was as equally gripping as the superhuman wrecking show going on around it.

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