Heading for CreateSpace

I’ve had a few people ask if I have any plans to release Regarding Avalon in print.

Well, until they’d asked, the answer was ‘no’. Short runs can be pretty expensive, so I was never too keen on the idea. However, Amazon does have it’s own Print-On-Demand service which sounds much better for both me and the environment. The nature of the service does mean that the books are going to cost more than I’d like to charge folk, which I’m not too happy about either. Then there’s the formatting and prep…

But people still like real books; having paid good money, they like to feel the weight of it in their hands, flip through real pages, and pass it on to their friends when they’re done with it. And since I like to sell books, who am I to deny them?

So yes, I will be releasing a print version, sooner rather than later, hopefully.
