Final bend…

It’s those last few formatting touches that really take their toll. Sizing and rearranging to make sure that everything reads well and looks right. I imagine that this was easy when you just had to deal with print; now we have Kindles, iPhones, iPads, Kobos (whut?) and more Android platforms than you can shake a keyboard at.


And poetry is really tricky. Still, almost there…



Book cover uncovered

Bar a complete change in artistic direction or a total mental breakdown, I’ll be revealing The Quisling Orchid to the world this month.  I asked the ridiculously talented Janet Robinson of ScribbleLeaf to design the cover for me, and unsurprisingly she’s done another bang-up job.

Saying that The Quisling Orchid is ‘multi-faceted’ doesn’t really do the justice. It’s been quite an undertaking, involving a number of very talented editors to make sure that it was the best it could be. It was a lot to reflect in a cover, so instead of telling the whole story on the front, I decided to just focus on the relationship between two of the main characters: Silje and Freya.


I was aiming for stark simplicity, so trying to tell more of the story here would have made the design too cluttered. Besides, the story starts and ends with Silje and Freya, so I was okay with just having two figures on the cover.

And before you ask; yes, those are paper orchids.

Okay, enough spoilers. Read the book! 🙂