Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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One of the best things about using a word processor is being able to do clever stuff like this:

  1. The Phantom Menace
  2. Attack of the Clones
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. A New Hope
  5. The Empire Strikes Back
  6. Return of the Jedi
  7. The Force Awakens

Y’see if I wanted to, I could slot a new line between, for example, three and four, and all the other numbers below it would shift down one to make room. You can’t do that with movies unfortunately, which means Rogue One gets a bit of a bum deal; it gets tagged with ‘A Star Wars Story’ like it’s a weird cousin you don’t invite to the same party as your posh guests. This is a shame, because Rogue One deserves to be slotted into the main episode line as it’s one of the best of the lot as far as I’m concerned.

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Book Review: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

children_of_time.jpgYou know, I was about to describe this book as an ‘epic work of science-fiction’, but thinking about it, I don’t think the term ‘epic’ really does it justice. Children of Time is breath-taking in scope and ambition, covering thousands of years and taking in the desperate flight of the last remnants of humanity to find a new home, and the birth and accelerated evolution of an entirely new species: from the mud, to the trees, and eventually to space travel.

Yes, it’s that big, that detailed, and yet it still manages to keep things moving at a cracking pace.  The prose is sparsely poetic, managing to distill an awful lot of scientific detail into the story without overwhelming the reader (and I’m easily overwhelmed, and have a surprisingly short attention span when encyclopedias get in the way of a good novel).

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