Dom’s pet hate corner #2

html.pngOkay, not HTML per se, but HTML when it applies to eBooks.

HTML for web sites? Brilliant idea, and even it if it wasn’t, I’m not going to suggest changing it now.

But when the idea of eBooks was first floated, we had a completely clean slate; we could have gone anywhere, done anything. Instead, we plumped for a technology that had already shown how difficult it is to get the same look and feel across different devices.

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Dom’s pet hate corner #1

P1010391.jpgWell, that’s the first one obviously: rogue apostrophes. Let’s leave that one there because I do it a lot myself, but if I don’t pick it up on the read through, my editor grabs it during a review.

The next one is a minor point that many are guilty of, including me. It’s the increasingly common ‘trailing off’ dialogue:

‘But Marion, we can’t just…’

Okay, I don’t have a problem with that, except that it’s often accompanied by a dialogue tag:

‘But Marion, we can’t just…,’ his voice trailed off.

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