The Guardian: ten everyday grammar mistakes

The Guardian, Britian’s defender of all things grammarly, is running a piece that’s well worth reading, even if you know everything there is to know about grammar… like what I don’t.

Picture by @fifi3chui

As well as telling you what you can’t do, the article also tells you what you can get away with, which is always helpful.

The Early Springer’s Book Club (Part 7)

Okay folks, the final installment of my practise run. A little rough around the edges but I’m quite pleased with it. The point was to write something spontaneously, without all the months of planning that I usually put into a novel. Quite an experience, and I think I learned why I tend to plan stuff in so much detail: procrastination mainly, but also I need a plan so I have an ending. I’m not sure the Early Springer’s Book Club has an end; I think it might have just… stopped. What do you think?

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