There’s not a whole lot I can tell you about the Avengers’ last outing without throwing in a ton of spoilers. Best if I just stick to the facts then:

- First off, it’s epic. And I do mean epic. It weighs in at a bladder-straining three hours, and there’s not a minute of it you’ll want to miss, so make sure you go before you sit down, and go easy on the water.
- It’s spectacular. Just about every marvel character from the past decade makes an appearance. Sure, there’s no way you can give everyone the screen time they deserve, but I didn’t get the feeling that anyone could’ve been cut.
- It’s exhausting. The movie starts with a whisper, and in the space of a few minutes it ramps up to full tilt and does not let go until the closing credits. Some genuinely sad moments along the way too.
- It really is the end, and that’s also kind of sad, but y’know, all good things …
Holding that many characters together in a single film is impressive work. The script was top-notch, though it lacked the same level of humour that I’m used to seeing in a Marvel production. Having said, that half the universe has just been wiped out, so perhaps now’s not the time for a comedy skit. Still, it still has its moments in what was a much more sombre outing. Having just trounced in the previous movie, the characters were a lot less sure of themselves, a lot more vulnerable, a lot more human; that was good to see, especially from Chris Hemsworth’s Thor.
Okay, so I enjoyed it, a lot, but it did have one or two moments that left me a little bit confused, mainly the bit with Captain America near the end – how does that work? Won’t say any more, but watch and see.
Ten out of ten. Go see it. Then see it again.